Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


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We are boutique firm designed for Private Equity, Family Offices, and
Growth-Stage Companies seeking to maximize results
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PT. Geo Stroom Indonesia didirikan oleh beberapa individu dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja di bidang jasa survey geofisika dan desain enjiniring.

Para pendiri perusahaan merupakan tenaga profesional dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun di bidang akuisisi, pengolahan, interpretasi data geofisika, dan desain infrastruktur.

Kami menjadikan continuous improvement sebagai budaya dalam perusahaan. Kami terus melakukan adaptasi pada metode, peralatan, dan teknik pengolahan data untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna jasa kami.

our benefits

Tiga Fundamental Perusahaan


Tenaga ahli kami memiliki kompetensi dan pengalaman memadai di bidang survey geofisika dan desain infrastruktur


Geo Stroom Indonesia selalu berinovasi pada instrument, metode akuisisi, dan pengolahan data agar adaptif terhadap kebutuhan konsumen yang terus berkembang.

Reliable Instrument

Kami percaya bahwa kualitas data ditentukan salah satunya oleh reliabilitas instrument akuisisi data. Untuk itu kami menggunakan produk dari produsen instrument terkemuka.



Accelerate your innovation and transformation with a fully integrated suite of capabilities that puts digital at the heart of everything you do.

survey gpr 01


Accelerate your innovation and transformation with a fully integrated suite of capabilities that puts digital at the heart of everything you do.

Terrestrial Laser Scanning


Accelerate your innovation and transformation with a fully integrated suite of capabilities that puts digital at the heart of everything you do.

Industries What We Serv

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Eksplorasi Mineral

We help financial institutions, from banking and insurance to wealth and securities distribution, manage risks.


Our firm has helped clients engaged in more than 100 different subsectors of the aerospace, space markets.


Our work draws on more than 40 years of experience, delivered by 5,700 professionals in the world.

Utilitas Bawah Permukaan

Few industries are as demanding as transportation services. That's why it is critical to implement high-impact.

Geologi dan Geoteknik

We provide deep experience across the oil & gas and utilities & renewables sectors to deliver operational.

Survey dan Pemetaan

Firm is the leading consulting partner to the private equity industry and its key stakeholders. We advise investors.